Tea, World Vision & Flying Tigers

Sunday: 3/24/19

Kunming Tea Museum
World Vision – Meeting the wonderful Ms. Edith Chang
Learning about the Flying Tigers

This morning was gray, misty and windy and we were greeted by our hosts in the lobby armed with umbrellas. Margot, Marion, David and I each accompanied our prospective hosts across the street to visit a local tea museum.

We learned Yunnan Province is famous for it’s tea, and our knowledgable tour guide told us about the process of harvesting tea, making tea and the rich history of tea in China. Among the displays, were elaborate gifts that were given to Emperors.

Learn more here: https://www.yunnanexploration.com/yunnan-puer-tea-culture-museum-in-kunming.html

Later in the afternoon, my lovely host Veronica, and I met with the wonderful Ms. Edith Chang, Chief Representative of World Vision China Foundation Limited (Hong Kong).

Edith, Veronica and I ordered tea, juice and water on the rooftop of a local coffee shop in Kunming. The weather by now was warm and sunny, with the occasional strong wind blowing through the trees and terraces. Edith joked that today I have been lucky to experience all of Kunming’s weather in one day.

Edith shared her role at World Vision, an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO). I continued to learn more about how INGOs are experiencing continuous changes and barriers. (Since the implementation of the new laws in recent years, requiring INGOs to partner with a registered and local NGO). The behind the scenes process of partnering local and international organizations, can be extensive, and difficult to navigate. Every province, city and local civil affairs bureau operates differently. I was sad to learn that many INGOs have decided to leave behind once flourishing partnerships with local NGOs, as the laws have had negative impacts on those organizations overseas.

Edith’s Foundation, within World Vision, provides funding to local non-profits working hard to meet the needs of local people. She shared how World Vision has been funding Jiaxin Children’s Assistance Center (Veronica’s Employer) for several years.

Edith shared her thoughts and opinions, and asked about the work I do back in Kansas and she was interested to learn about the various programs Saint Francis Ministries has. While she continued to share her thoughts and opinions, Veronica emphasized that we are meeting “casually”, instead of “officially”, as Edith would have needed to receive clearance to meet with a foreigner. Again, so many barriers in place.

Learn more about World Vision:http://www.worldvision.org.cn/en
Who World Vision Serves: http://www.worldvision.org.cn/en/serve

If you would like to learn more about Edith’s conversations, please message me privately. Edith values her privacy.

Dinner: Veronica arranged for us to meet with Jesse Millet, his beautiful Kunming wife and two adorable children. We walked to a local restaurant with amazing, local minority food. I was so happy that Edith joined us, and our conversations continued! Jesse and Veronica met through work, as his organization (Where There Be Dragons) sends volunteers to work at Jiaxin, where she works at.

Jesse’s Work Website:

Jesse is American, originally from New York, and Edith and Veronica both expressed a lot interest, regarding Jesse marrying a “local Kunming wife”. As the evening went on, their story unfolded over our delicious meal.

Jesse and his Uncle were going through his grandfather’s closet after he passed, and among many items they discovered amazing, color photographs of Kunming and the Flying Tigers from WWI. The Flying Tigers are the First American Volunteer Group, who helped China to fight the Japanese in World War II.

Jesse’s grandfather was the doctor for the Flying Tiger pilots from 1944 – 1945 in Kunming. After discovering the photos, Jesse and his Uncle decided to book a flight to Kunming. They contacted local museums and quickly made history. They presented the first ever color photographs of Kunming, and they experienced instant fame. The photos were all taken by Jesse’s grandfather, and his family graciously donated the original photographs and film to the local Museums. Remember earlier I shared I was eating a restaurant decorated in Flying Tiger decor – credit to Jesse and his family.

Flying Tigers Information:

Jesse fell in love with Kunming, returned home to learn Chinese and we learned he majored in Asian studies. Years later, he eventually returned to Kunming, and has made China his home for many years. Jesse and his wife do plan to move and live in New York, but first they would like their children to learn to read and write Chinese. Their three, nearly four year old son is already in school, and recited some very impressive Confucius text to us over dinner. Edith, Veronica and I started clapping when he was done. Jesse’s sweet children were our greatest entertainment throughout our meal!

Thanks for following along!

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